Logan Patrick
Architectural Design Associate
Even a brick wants to be something. - Louis Kahn
Logan Patrick LEED Green Associate
Logan Patrick has joined the Mills Group as an Architectural Design Associate. Logan provides production assistance to the project managers in 3D modeling and construction drawings.
Originally from McMechen, WV, Logan came to Mills Group for a summer internship in 2017 after hearing about the firm from a classmate who had previously interned with Mills Group. He completed his Master's in Architecture degree from Miami University in May of 2018 after receiving his Bachelors of Science in Architecture from Fairmont State University in 2016.
He is most proud of completing his graduate thesis, “A Search for Identity: How to Reinvent the Post-Industrial Past to Lead Towards a Vibrant Future”. The thesis was set in Wheeling, promoting personal and inspiring work for Logan.
Logan enjoys all things sports related. He likes playing baseball and hockey and going to Pirates, Steelers, and Penguins games.